Nester's Funky Bowling is a fun VB game that I constantly
find myself picking up to play. The game's graphics are very good, and
help give the bowling alley feel. The game uses limited 3-D effects, such
as the cute little animations played when a player scores a strike, double,
turkey, split, etc. The game's sound is excellent, even through those tinny
VB speakers. The music is pretty cool, with pretty catchy tunes. NFB has
some good challenge (it's nearly impossible to score a perfect score).
This game has pretty good replay value, and the gamer can choose different
weights of their bowling balls. But the game does fall short in one area.
I think that Nintendo should have included a league play or tournament
mode, like in Golf. The gameplay is solid for a bowling game, and is very
simple. After choosing your direction on the sliding direction bar, you
must release the button when the bar is full, or when you get the desired
power. This game is an all-around excellent title, and is more than worth
the $10 I that I paid. Go ahead and pick this title up.
Graphics: B+
3-D Effects: B
Sound: A
Music: A+
Challenge: A-
Replay Value: B+
Gameplay: A-
Overall Rating: A